Awaken to your true self and transform your life.

I'm ready to join!

Awaken to your true self and transform your life.

I'm ready to join!

More than ever, it seems like everyone I talk to—no matter their age or stage of life—feels stuck or unfulfilled in some way.

We feel disconnected from passion and purpose - and know there should be more to life.

We want to change but don’t know how or if change is even possible.


We know there has to be more to life, but have no clue what that is or how to find it.


And that's because we're still trying to "fix" ourselves from the outside in, instead of turning inward to discover who we truly are...

More than ever, it seems like everyone I talk to—no matter their age or stage of life—feels stuck or unfulfilled in some way. 

We feel disconnected from passion and purpose - and know there should be more to life.

We want to make a change but don’t know how or if change is even possible.

We know there has to be more to life, but have no clue what that is or how to find it.

And that's because we're still trying to "fix" ourselves from the outside in, instead of turning inward to discover who we truly are...


The Academy of Awakening

––a sanctuary for everyone who is ready to awaken, live life from their true self, and embark on a journey of profound transformation.

Inside The Academy, you'll learn how to dismantle barriers and overcome the limiting beliefs and programming that have kept you from living a happier, more fulfilled life.


You will experience massive self-growth, confidence in huge doses, and the kind of deep and kindred connections that are only possible in the company of other like-minded souls. 

Together, we will explore what it looks like and feels like to awaken and live life from your true self.

I'm ready to awaken!

"Michelle Chalfant has guided me through the transformative process of removing the masks I've worn for so long and healing my false self. Her compassionate and insightful approach helped me see the layers of protection I had built around my true self. With Michelle's support, I have been able to let go of these masks and embrace my authentic self. This journey has brought me a profound sense of peace and alignment with who I truly am. I am eternally grateful for her wisdom and guidance."

- Natalie P.

The life you want isn't as far away as you think.

It's been inside you all along.

Here is what is true...

You are a spiritual being, having a human experience.

You were born with a uniquely divine essence to love and be loved. 


But unfortunately, as we grow up, our authenticity tends to take a backseat to the illusion of fitting in and staying safe.  


We cover up our true self to become who others want us to be in order to be loved and accepted.

But here's the good news:


You CAN rediscover who you really are, shed the weight of the roles and expectations you’ve carried, and start living from your true self today!


Things like people pleasing, codependency, anxiety, unhealthy relationships, lack of boundaries, low self worth, etc. will begin to transform and fall away when you start living from a place of aligning with your true self.

Show me the way!

When you say “YES!” to yourself and go on this journey of awakening, you will:


  Align your actions, decisions, and behaviors with your most authentic inner being.

  Recognize and embrace who you genuinely are, free from the masks and roles you adopt to fit societal expectations or to protect yourself from emotional pain.

  Live life with greater purpose…what you came here to do.

  Move through the world with integrity.

  Expand your self-awareness.

  Learn to speak up for yourself and advocate for your deepest needs.

  Cultivate healthier, deeper relationships.

  Re-awaken to your inner worth.

  Know you are worthy of love and engage with others from a place of confidence in knowing this.

  Experience joy, peace, passion, and a renewed enthusiasm for life…a life that feels fun again!

Are you ready to regain direction, find renewed hope, and feel excited, purposeful, clear, empowered, and full of love for yourself again? 

“Working with Michelle Chalfant has been an eye-opening experience in recognizing and owning my faults. She has taught me that true power comes from acknowledging my imperfections and taking responsibility for my actions. Through her coaching, I've found the strength to confront my shortcomings and transform them into opportunities for growth. This journey has led me to a deeper understanding of myself and a more authentic sense of power. Michelle's guidance has been invaluable in helping me find and embrace my true self.”

- Laurie V.

Here's what awaits you when you join
The Academy of Awakening:

LIVE Interactive Teachings: Every month, you'll receive a new live interactive teaching or an enriching course designed to deepen your understanding and experience of our quarterly theme. Awakening isn’t just about learning—it’s about truly living and embodying these teachings. This immersive approach is what leads to profound, transformative change in your life. Upcoming quarters will explore powerful themes like Living with Presence and Embodied Emotions. What sets this online community apart is that you won’t just learn about awakening—you’ll discover the "how" and begin living your absolute best life.

One 60-minute LIVE Q&A & Hot Seat Coaching Session with yours truly!! Have questions? Want to work through something specific? This is your chance to get the help you need! I will be hosting a live Q&A each month that is solely for Academy members. These calls will be profound, provocative, and include some hot seat coaching. Given the demands of my schedule, I am no longer able to take on private clients, so this is a fantastic way to experience my coaching at close range,  and receive guidance on your most pressing inquiries. You won’t want to miss it!

*Can’t make it? Email in your question! All sessions will be recorded for later access.

Monthly Guided Meditations: Receive a new meditation each month to deepen your self-awareness and spiritual connection. These meditations are designed to help you to crack open and awaken to your truest self!

Quarterly Courses: Every quarter, a transformative new course will be unveiled, designed to elevate your awakening, deepen your conscious living, and align you even more closely with your true self. You will master the art of shedding the layers of inauthenticity and embracing a life profoundly aligned with your soul's true essence. Trust me, this is worth the cost of membership alone! 

*Members receive complimentary access to all courses priced $100 or less!

Monthly Contemplations: Monthly contemplations bring each month’s focus to life, offering a deeper understanding and practical ways to apply it in your daily routine. Along with insightful teachings, you’ll receive journaling prompts and affirmations to help you integrate the theme into your life more fully.

Early Access to Podcast Recordings and Members-Only Q&As with Guests : Each month, you’ll be invited to join me as I interview special guests for my newest podcast episode. After the interview, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a members-only Q&A. Picture the opportunity to ask spiritual teachers, top experts, and renowned guests from diverse backgrounds YOUR burning questions to support your growth and expand your awareness. This is your moment!

Access to Our Private Online Community: Connect with like-minded individuals in our private Facebook group. Engage, share, and receive support on your awakening journey from fellow members and my team. I’ll be actively involved in the community and might even share some inspirational videos just for your group! 😉

Some of my most popular courses and resources, completely free:

  • Self Worth Course Bundle 
  • Self Series 
  • I’m Ok 
  • 14 Days to Peace and Balance 
  • Discover Your Inner Child

And discounts on future courses and events…


  • 20% Off on any online course priced between $100 and $500.
  • $100 Off on any course or event priced between $500 and $1,000.
  • 50% Off the Relationship Reset Course (Online only course)
  • $50 Off for you and a friend for any future Michelle Chalfant live event over $500

If you crave increased joy, deeper connections, and a life guided by your highest self, join me in The Academy of Awakening today!


Start Your Transformation Now!

“Michelle Chalfant has revolutionized my understanding of boundaries and their importance. I used to struggle with saying no and often felt overwhelmed by others' demands. Michelle's coaching has empowered me to set and maintain healthy boundaries confidently. This has improved not only my relationships but also my overall well-being. I now feel more in control of my life and more aligned with my true self.”

- Jessica W.

Ready to Awaken Your Soul?

Everything you encounter inside this community is an invitation to enhance your growth and assist you on the path of awakening to your truest self. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join Michelle and like-minded seekers on the path to deeper awakening and living a more conscious life. Start your journey of awakening today!

Join monthly

for only $39!


$39 per month

Join Monthly

Join annually and get TWO MONTHS FREE!


$390 for the year

I want TWO FREE months!

“Learning to love myself has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding journeys, and Michelle Chalfant has been an incredible guide. Through her teachings, I've learned to recognize my worth and embrace self-compassion. She has helped me dismantle the negative self-talk and build a strong foundation of self-love. This newfound appreciation for myself has permeated every aspect of my life, bringing a sense of peace and fulfillment I never thought possible.” 

- Terri K.

A Little More About Michelle


Michelle Chalfant is a renowned psychotherapist, master life coach, and the creator of The Adult Chair® podcast. With over 25 years of experience, Michelle has been a transformative force in the self-help arena, helping individuals worldwide overcome challenges such as relationship issues, anxiety, depression, and codependency. Through her practical tools, experiential approach, and best-selling books, she empowers people to uncover their true selves, heal old wounds, and live a life of authentic joy and fulfillment. Michelle’s mission is to guide members of The Academy of Awakening towards greater self-awareness, inner peace, and unshakeable self-love.

Frequently Asked Questions

“Michelle Chalfant's guidance has been instrumental in helping me live a life that is true to my essence. She has taught me the importance of boundaries, how to understand and manage my triggers, and how to foster healthy relationships. I've grown to love myself more and have built up my self-worth. Michelle's work has truly aligned my life with my soul's purpose.”

- Laura K.